It's not that Lusitania became part of Portugal, it's just that the Portuguese forgot Lusitanian Nation was not part of their country.
THIS PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION... The Lusitanian Left Bloc The Lusitanian Left Bloc (Portuguese: Bloco de Esquerda Lusitanista, Lusitanic: Gunda Zekeř Leukuiriek), sometimes translated as Leftist Bloc of Lusitania or Lusitanist Left-wing Bloc, is a Lusitanian regional left-wing political party (and not a portuguese one) founded in 2010 in Coimbra city. It is sometimes abbreviated in portuguese to B.E.L. (punctuated) or GZL (not punctuated, in lusitanic language) but always spoken in its full name. This clandestine and illegal lusitanian political party (Portugal is the unique european state with its withered and limited democracy who do not allow the legalization of regional nor local political parties) islooking for the official recognition of the Lusitania as an autonomous region or as a regional State within the Portuguese Republic. The Lusitanian Left Bloc (B.E.L.) is supported by lusitanian people with conscience of their lusitanian (and not portuguese) national identity, independents and a number of regionalist associations and political groups in the region of Lusitania. This party has from the beginning a full party status, yet the constituent lusitanian groups have maintained their existence has social or political associations and some levels of autonomy, leading to a loose structure.